Here are the new Wolf Brand stickers that are now available.. If interested in stickers, get in contact with me through either facebook or email -
Wert has been down in FL with me ripping the trails and showing off the Wolf Brand spray painted sign that was for the Trail jam.. Hopefully we'll have an edit of Young Wert soon cruising the front and back yard of Casselberrys madhouse..
The Casselberry Trail Jam is done and over, And it was such an amazing time! Lots of people, bbq, riding, craziness, tree guys, water slide, and more... Click this LINK For some of the action.
Check this new Native Bikes edit, This thing kicks mega ass!!!
Native bikes is a big help / supporter of Wolf Brand... Look out in the future for maybe some collaborations or trips or anything together.. Thanks guys!!
This year has been a good one at Casselberry!! Lot's of new kids coming around, Most of them never really rode much till they started cruising in the backyard on the mini and the little jumps, But now they are starting to rip and get some moves done.. This is just a sneak peak at some of the stunts being pulled out by the mostly 15 and under buds - 360's , Tire grabs , And many more... Good job little fellas.!