Day 5- Yet another good day for fun. riding and filming... Hoang rode soo damn good today it was quite a treat to watch him do his thing.. one move he did is shown above, but the rest of his straight up wild-ness you'll have to wait for G.U.T.I. tocome out to see it.. Let me say one thing, Kyle Hart can sure bunny hop... Damn its crazy! That's some other shit you'll have to wait and see once the Subrosa video comes out.
Now on a crappy note of the day - Lahsaan ended up trying to do yet another move that only He could pull, but this time it somehow didn't work and he ended up dislocating his toe and in the Hospital. That was a bummer! But he is okay now so its Okay and he will be ripping more wild ass shit in a few days or so I'm sure.. Good Luck Lahsaan and now the trip is over... see you!
-Mark Mulville