Monday, December 5, 2011
Christmas specials.
Sizes and colors limited.
- Mark Mulville
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Wolf BANNED edit
New Edit I made from a day at Casselberry of the Gang rippin'
Banned in Casselberry!
-Mark Mulville
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Tom V.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Gettin' ready.
Little Eric Henny... Showing you that he is ready for the new FBM video to come out! Can't wait to see it my self. Looking forward to Garrett Guilliams stuff a lot!
-Mark Mulville
Friday, October 28, 2011
Again and agian.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
A session at JP's
A session at Josh P's trails... We set the flip cam up in random spots and had at it.
-Mark Mulville
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Louis Smith, The dude!

1. How old are you and where do you currently live?
I had to think about this… I’m 22 years old currently living in lovely Southampton.
2. How long have you been riding bmx for? First of all I was a scooter kid for 3 years, living the dream! Then I found a BMX and have now been riding for 8 years.
4. Can you do a backflip on a razor scooter? For sure!
5. How did you get involved with Case bmx Magazine? And what is it that you do for it? I moved to Southampton 2 years ago to study Graphic Design, this was when Netley was starting Case. Issue 3 I took over the role of designing the magazine and I bloody love it! Long nights, tight deadlines.
6. You just finished School recently, so what's next for Louis Smith? Haha! I got a job Designing for a local company, but unfortunately after 2 months I got sick of it! Now I have a little studio above Pijin BMX shop, screen printing t-shirts and designing websites… Early days but check
7. Any plans of visiting America?
Only if we can share beds?
8. Who would win in a fight, You or Mike Netley? Well if you know Netley well enough he becomes a bit of a trex on a night out. I’ll let him win.
9. If you had to pick Canned pasta or Cheesy toast to eat for a week straight, What would it be? Cheesy toast with marmite please!
10. Rap or Dubstep? I like a good old rap battle in the local kebab shop!
12. Older or Younger? Older!
13. Brad pitt or Johnny depp? Johnny pitt
14. Whats your favorite TV show, or what do you find yourself watching most? Ut oh. Bid Tv and price drop. If you don’t know what it is then check it out! If not Quest won’t fail with extreme engineering!
15. Are you married? I wish!
16. If you had to give a nice hug and kiss to any bmx shop owner, who and what shop would it be? John Pang at Pijin, he gives a good kiss and more, were not afraid!
17. Are You down to be a part of the Wolf Brand team/crew? Say yes!!!!
Yes Sir!
18. What is your all time favorite trick to do on a bmx? Your superman seat grab Indian on Anthem.
19. Anything that you'd like to say to end this? I’m not gay… my boyfriend is!
The Man, The Myth: Louis Smith.
-Mark Mulville
Sunday, September 18, 2011
French Wolf.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Nora Doyle

The D-Man does it again!
Chris Doyle 2 years in a row, winning the Nora Cup.
For more Photos and video click the LINK...
-Mark Mulville
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Interview of the Halahan Boys.

What got you both into BMX?
Lukas: My Dad has alot of bikes and got me one. He took me to the skate park and I loved it.
Nathan: Lukas. And my Mom and Dad.
How many years have you been riding?
Lukas: 5 years and I'm 8.
Nathan: I'm 7 so 4 years.
Whats your favorite type of BMX riding?
Lukas: Park. I want to ride trails but have to get better because they are so big in Pittsburgh. And, Mike Potoczny is building us a big ramp and box at Gaga's (grandma) house.
Nathan: I like the rhythm lines at The Flow and Rays. And our Fresh Park ramps in the basement. And Gaga's ramp when its done.

Who are your sponsors?
Both Boys: Vitaminwater and Wolf Brand Clothing for Freestyle. Dirty Harrys Bike Shop. We have race sponsors too. Ripxx, F1 Ceramic, Uni Seats and Blue Horseshoe Tattoo.
Who are your 5 favorite riders?
Lukas: Kyle McRory, Ryan Wert, Taylor Mcrory, Tyler Valentik, and You (Mark Mulville) and Bret that five?
Nathan: Mark Mulville, Ryan Wert, McRory's, Adam Litwin, Mark Potoczny and Tyler Valentik cause he rides alot with us.

What is you favorite beverage to drink while riding?
Lukas: Vitaminwater XXX
Nathan: Vitaminwater Dragonfruit
What is your favorite food?
Lukas: Mac-n-Cheese
Nathan: Bacon*
These boys are total rippers, and there mom and dad are right
behind them in every way. I thank the whole Halahan Family for all the help
and support, and you should to if you cross paths with them.
-Mark Mulville
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Pittsburgh Wolves.
This is just a random edit of Ryan Wert and Myself cruising A few spots in
Pittsburgh one day... Nothing crazy, just some swell times!
-Mark Mulville
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
New England with Love
The Profile Racing crew just did a bmx shop tour through A few of our
Nations first states. The idea was to meet up with kids at different shops
and hang out a bit, talk and whatnot, then hit up the local park with them...
It was a success!
Here are some snaps, from Matt Coplon.
Conall Keenan Table After our rendezvous at the Daily Grind bmx shop in CT.
All the shops were super rad, and Thanks for hooking it up..
Also Big Thanks to Vitamin Water for hooking up us up the last few days
of our trip..... Check out
Circuit bmx and Profile racing for more pics and stories of the trip.
-Mark Mulville
Monday, August 8, 2011
Halahans Wolfies
Monday, August 1, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Wolf Brand in Props..
This is a Commercial that Aaron sarkisian helped me make for
Props video Mag.
-Mark Mulville
Saturday, July 16, 2011
On a mission...
The Halahan boys are taking over..
They recently just got hooked up with Vitamin Water,
and have been traveling near and far to do what they love best
Here they rip the dirt at Rays mtb park.
-Mark Mulville
Monday, July 4, 2011
For Goodies......
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Scot Draper edit.
Friday, July 1, 2011
The Wolf makes Plus.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
At it again!!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Mike Cottle edit
The man the myth: Mike Cottle!
This is just a random little edit I put together of some
stuff I filmed over this past winter of Mikey..
Looks like a rad time though!!
-Mark Mulville
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
2 days in Casselberry
This is a little edit I did with my Flip Cam of most of the Casselberry Trails
Locals, Who are still in town for the summer.. This is just a few
chill average sessions we had over a 2 day span.
Thanks to: Joey Juarsiti, Aaron Sarkisian, Shot-gun Billy,
Mike Cottle, Little Joey (Martinez), Rickey Bates, Elder Corn,
and Ryan Thorne For being a part of this little thang!
-Mark Mulville
Monday, June 20, 2011
Flip cam in the UK
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Pijin ad, Holding down the WOLF.
The newest Case mag is done and out now!
Case Issue # 6 that is..
Pijin bmx shop has a pretty sweet ad in the inside back cover of
Louis Smith doing a rad No foot can can at the PSA trails,
Along with a big ol' shot of a Wolf Brand shirt that they are now carrying..
Thanks to Case and Pijin for that!
Can't wait for the next Issue to come about!
-Mark Mulville
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Sun Ringle / Ryan Wert
SUNringlé: Ryan Wert from Sunringlebmx on Vimeo.
Aaron Sarkisian from the Casselberry Trails put together this edit
Sun-Ringle edit featuring the one and only
This edit is super badass! Wert's antics are always a treat, and
his riding is amazing!
Thanks to Aaron, Wert and Jon from Sun.
Also if anyone is looking to get some quality screen printing done -
Contact Aaron -
-Mark Mulville
Monday, June 13, 2011
New Girls Tanks and............
New limited run of Girls Wolf Brand Tanks
available in Small, Medium and Large..
Also: Re-prints of all the boys/mens designs are all
done, so get at me for info and orders!
Stickers included with all personal orders!
Facebook me here MARK MULVILLE
-Mark Mulville
Saturday, June 4, 2011
The Matt Coplon interview!
Matt Colpon, and its been a damn good ride since the entire time!
Since the start, He has always been a good, genuine person, always
helping people in any way he can... Some of you may not know
Matt, or you know Him as the guy to call up at Profile when you rip
your sticker, or want to get sponsored. But Matt is also a bad ass rider,
and there is much more to learn about him!
So, here it is! Profile Racing's Team Manager/Rider/does almost
everything else at Profile - MATT COPLON !!!

1. How long have You been riding bmx?
November, 25th 2011 will be my 21st anniversary.
And what got you into it?
Watching Rad for the first time--I was confident bmx was my passport for picking up ladies. I was wrong, very wrong.
2. What were your favorite spots like growing up?
It's a toss up between the Lenny and Vinnie's jumps, the old 84 lumber warehouse and Kenny Meadows back yard. would have to say 84 lumber, mainly because it was an abandoned building where the lightning was rigged and we could ride into the wee hours of the night.
3. How many years have you been working at Profile Racing? And how did you get started there?
A decade. The day I was hired at Profile was the same day The Hartford Insurance company gave me a call. I chose selling bike parts over insurance. Thanks to jeff Harrington for the job interview.
4. What were You doing before working at Profile?
Managing Central Skatepark's pro shop. I worked with a dude named Big Dick Terry (aka. Adam Mulville).
5. How long have you been vegan?
16 Years.

6. What's the last meat item you ate?
Intentionally: 1993. Pork Rinds. I thought they were made from corn.
Unintentionally: Last year at a restaurant in Gainesville called "Sisters." I got "meated" with pork. It tasted really good.
7. What do you look for in hooking up a new rider for Profile?
He's got to be a sweet dude. He's got to have a lot of fun riding bikes.
The team has to approve. And he has to be pretty good at riding bikes.
8. Do you like vegan cheese?
Yes, Daiya cheese. Don't waste your time on other perpetrators.
9. Why did you give up the peg chings you were into some years ago?
I never give up bad habits. I did one at the park Wednesday.
10. Do you have a favorite trick now? If so, what is it?
I have three favorite tricks in no particular order: bunny hopping stuff, 180's, and manuals.
11. What would you do if you accidentally ate beef jerky while sleep waking?
I'd probably like it. Then I'd get sick.
12. What do you do if you are not riding?
Read, watch Ariel play "word twist," drink coffee.

13. coffee or tea?
How dare you! See #12.
14. Rambo or commando? And why?
Cammando had a hot daughter. Rambo wore a camo head band. But I guess anyone that can throw a pipe through someone's chest and then become the governor of California is my hero. I'll go cammando.
15. Shaq or Jordan? And Why?
I had a pair of Air Jordan's in the 7th grade that I protected like a gold nugget. A kid once stepped on them, scuffed em, and we ended up in fisticuffs. I'll go Jordan.
16. Will you ever go sky diving?
Not unless the airplane is on fire.
17. Has anything changed in your live since getting married?
I ride one less day. It's really hard to compromise that sometimes.
18. Years ago you were in a well known hardcore band called reversal of man! What happen with that?
We broke up while on tour in Spain. That's what happens when you can't ride for 6 weeks on top of minimal access to coffee.
19. Whats it like being a part of your new band 'Light yourself on fire' ?
When we play, it's a blast. I love screaming my head off, getting whip lash, and loosing my voice for a week afterwards.
20. Whats next for Matt Coplon?
It's 1:18am on a Friday night and as I'm writing this I'm finishing up the newest TBR edit (…next would be a shower and bed time. Good night.
Photos: Scott Ehlert
Enjoy mates...
-Mark Mulville
Friday, June 3, 2011
Case issue 6, Nice!

Def Grip just did a preview for Case issue 6,
Which is looking pretty damn good!
Thanks to Ollie Reeve, Mike Netley and Louis Smith
for another one!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Source bowl of Hastings
Mike Netley, Brian Yeagle and Myself took a little 2 day trip
to Hastings and then to Brighton to sight see and cruise some bmx..
We got to Hastings mid day after stop at a cider farm and picking
up some home made cider. Once there, we hung out at
The Source bmx and skate shop for a bit, Then Went exploring about...