This one goes out to the loddy doddy in
the yellow sweater, let me suck one titty,
just one. Party vs party... The party always
wins. Wes and Hardo had a conjoined
birthday party at the trails and it was for
sure one for the books. Yuengling keg,
fire, loads of people. A time of goodness.
One place i would not want to be
shoeless at is the Casselberry trails.
But iguess someones gotta do it
i suppose. I wonder if she made it
out last night untouched and
disease free?
last night big bottle style.. Seems to be a
every night occurrence down here which
is not a bad thing at all. Well i guess depends
on how you look at it. Half the people who
partake in Evan don't remember a thing, but
that most likely means a good night was had.
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