Saturday, March 6, 2010

Subrosa Wolves

Subrosa team trip in florida just ended and as
a witness of the entire trip ill say it was nuts.
Riding wise everyone did super amazing shit
non stop, I've never seen alot of these dudes ride
in person and I'll say now I'm impressed.
lashaan killed it so hard,and like i said everyone
else did to. I saw drew york kill himself time
after time on one of the wildest lines done
on the trip, you'll have to wait for the
Subrosa dvd "Get Used To It"
to come out and see for yourself.

A Wolf in all of us? Yes indeed.
Best part of the trip besides everyone
getting shit hammered every night was
all the howling i heard and took place
in, It was amazing let me just say...
Well i just said it so even if you say
no don't say it mark, well to late.

Orange peels of Miami, anyone hungry?
Your hunger would be satisfied if you were
riding through downtown Miami and saw
the peels. These things are more than amazing
but are a total bust right away, we somehow
got to ride them for about 5 minutes which
is awesome. Eat up kiddies...

Hop in a van with 9 friends, drive all over
the place, ride a shit load, drink a shit load,
see a shit load and everything else a shit load
I bet you'll have the time of your lives.
Try it. Warning though, you will get tuckered out

There is a boss, leader, man in charge(or woman)
for everything. Sometimes that person can
make things worse and sometimes better.
Ryan Sher was as you say the boss man of
the Subrosa trip, Better isn't even the word for
this trip. Ryan made sure everyone had the best
time possible, along with himself having that
same time. It was amazing. Thanks ryan.

-Mark Mulville