To Philly we go - Bobby V and myself took a long weekend trip
out to the eastern side of Pennsylvania recently for a little change
of pace and face... We had no plan and not many contacts which at
first seemed to be a slight problem, but as time went on everything
came together and people hooked us up with places to stay and
showed us good times from start to finish. One shower of the good times
was Jessie- who was super rad and let us stay at his house as well as
showed us some good riding spots and night spots... So thanks to him!
the famous and oh so amazing FDR which i watched bobby
hipping and hopping all over the place at top speeds, it was a treat to watch!
One of the many spots Jessie showed us was Maple Shade skatepark
in Jersey about 20 or so minutes from Philly. The place was badass with big
hips and tight bowls and perfect tranny. Only beef with this place is that
there is no shade anywhere, not even from the giant water tower.. oh well
Bobby and Jessie went on a date to the fountain in downtown Philly
and sorta left me 3rd wheel style so i just captured the moment, That's all
-Mark Mulville